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How To Extract And Push Custom Fields In Zapier (Legacy)
How To Extract And Push Custom Fields In Zapier (Legacy)

Learn how to output CauseVox custom fields to other tools through Zapier.

Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over 3 months ago

You can easily push custom field data to other tools through Zapier. For example, maybe you added a custom value to a personal page profile and would like that custom value pushed to another tool every time a donation is processed on that personal page.

You can easily extract the custom field data and push it for each donation by using the Run Javascript in Code by Zapier Action.

Note: Pushing data and custom values to other tools is available on the Standard plan and above.

Here's a demo of how to pull out custom values and push them to other tools in Zapier:

To extract custom values and push them to other tools on Zapier, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Under Manage, add your custom field value to your desired record (donation, pledge, personal page, team page, ticket, etc).

Step 2: In Zapier, set up your Trigger from CauseVox, select an Event and test the Trigger.

Step 3: Add an Action step to create a Code by Zapier.

Step 4: Select Run JavaScript for the Event required.

Step 5: To setup the Action, for the Input Data type "payload", then from the Insert Data dropdown, select a Custom Values Json field.

Step 6: Paste in the following code in the required code box.
Copy and paste everything within the parentheses:

  • "let obj = {}; JSON.parse(inputData.payload).forEach((item) => { obj[item.label] = item.value; }); output = [obj];"

Step 7: Add an Action step to push the data into another tool. Map the respective fields. For the Action ID [or application ID] field, select the Run JavaScript in Code by Zapier dropdown to select the outputted custom field.

Step 8: Test your Action. If the test is successful, you can turn on the Zap in the upper right to publish and set live!

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