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How To Set Site Design Defaults

Learn how to set the site Title, Colors, Fonts, and CTA text.

Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over a week ago

Create a custom site design theme by setting the default colors, fonts, and button text.

Note: Design Defaults are available on our new Site Design Editor. For more information or access to the new Site Design Editor, email [email protected].

Set global design defaults for your site including:

  • Title: Shown in the browser title bar.

  • Colors: Set the colors for your site. These are applied globally as defaults and can be overridden in individual modules. You can set a Primary, Secondary, Button and Link color.

  • Fonts: Set the default fonts for your site. These are applied globally and can be overridden in individual modules.

  • Call-to-Action Text: Set the default CTA text on important buttons and links. These are applied globally and can be overridden in individual modules.

To set your site's design defaults, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Under Campaigns, select the settings of the campaign you wish to edit.

Step 2: Select your Site.

Step 3: Select Design at the top and Defaults from the left navigation bar.

Step 4: Type the Title that you'd like displayed in the web browser title bar.

Step 5: Set your default color palette by selecting the colored squares and entering your custom hex color code.

Step 6: Use the Fonts dropdown to select a serif or sans serif font.

Step 7: Enter your preferred Call-to-Action button text for:

  • Donate Button

  • Ticket Button

  • Peer-to-Peer Sign Up Button

  • Share Button

You can leave unused CTA texts blank if desired. Save all changes.

For access to the Site Editor, or if you have additional questions, contact us at [email protected].

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