If you are admin of an organization page, you can easily manage your fundraisers by viewing and exporting data, as well as removing fundraisers from the page.
To manage your fundraisers, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Use the fundraising site to login to your site dashboard.
Step 2: In the site dashboard, scroll down to Your Pages and select the organization page you wish to edit. Selecting the hyperlinked URL will take you to the live public page.
Step 3: Select the Fundraisers tab to view:
Fundraiser Display Name
Fundraiser Page URL
Fundraising Progress
Number of Donations
Step 4: Select the ellipses on the right to remove a fundraiser from the organization page.
Step 5: Select Export on the right to export in a CSV or Excel file.
The fundraiser export includes the following fields:
Fundraiser ID
Fundraiser URL Stub
Fundraiser First Name
Fundraiser Last Name
Fundraiser Display Name
Fundraiser Email
Funds Raised (Amount Raised)
Funding Goal
Number of Donations/Pledges
Active Status
Joined Date