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How To Add, Remove And Overwrite Tags On Records
How To Add, Remove And Overwrite Tags On Records
Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over 12 months ago

Use the tagging feature to categorize multiple records or all records across the following groups:

  • Donations

  • Recurring Profiles

  • Pledges

  • Personal Pages

  • Team Pages

  • Organization Pages

  • Ticket Orders

You'll have the following tagging options:

  • Add Tags: Tags specified will be added to all selected records. Existing tags not specified will remain.

  • Remove Tags: Tags specified will be removed from all selected records. Existing tags not specified will remain.

  • Overwrite Tags: Tags specified will replace all selected records, deleting any old tags present. This overrides any tags added or removed above.

To add, remove and overwrite tags records, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to your Manage Tab and select the group of records you wish to edit from the left navigation (Donations, Recurring Profiles, Pledges, Personal Pages, Team Pages, Organization Pages, or Ticket Orders).

Step 2: From there, determine the records you'd like to tag. You can use the Filter at the top to filter the table view and then use the checkboxes on the left of the profiles to select any number of records to tag.

Leave all records unchecked to apply a bulk edit to all records in the group.

Step 3: Select Bulk Edit at the top to create and apply your tags. If you decide to select a certain number of records, you will see that number on the Bulk Edit button.

The Bulk Edit option allows you to Add, Remove or Overwrite Tags.

Step 4: Select Add a tag to Add, Remove or Overwrite a new tag. Choose from any of the tags previously added, or create a new tag by typing the tag name in the Add a tag field, and pressing enter.

You can Add, and Remove multiple tags in each update.

To Remove a tag added during an update, select the tag, then select Remove.

Step 5: Select Apply Bulk Update. You'll see the new tags listed on the table and in each profile by selecting the pencil icon on the right.

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