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How To Edit Match Sponsor Info
Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over 11 months ago

Automated matching allows you to edit match sponsor information to highlight and double the impact of corporate sponsorships.

You can define the following match terms:

  • Sponsor Name: Specify a sponsor name for the match.

  • Sponsor Image: Upload a sponsor image or logo.

  • Description: Write a short description about this sponsor.

  • Background Color: Edit background color of the banner behind your sponsor logo displayed on the donation form and donor listing.

  • Form Text: Edit the donation form message that appears above the donation tiers.

We recommend using a transparent PNG sponsor logo if you choose to use a colored banner.

Here's an example of the custom sponsor info displayed on the donation form:

Here's an example of the custom sponsor info displayed on the donor wall:

To edit match sponsor info, follow the steps below:

Step 1: In Campaign settings, select Matching >> Add Match, or select the pencil icon to edit terms of an existing match.

Step 2: Scroll down to Sponsor Info, edit the sponsor name, logo, description, background color, form text and Save.

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