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Personal Fundraising Page FAQ (Legacy)
Rob Wu avatar
Written by Rob Wu
Updated over a week ago

a. How do I write a Fundraising Appeal?

An effective fundraising appeal should give your supporters a concise and clear idea on why you feel for this campaign, the goal of this campaign, and how it intends to fulfill its goals through these fundraising efforts. Follow the link below to you help you get started :

b. Why can’t I edit the look/feel of my personal fundraising page?

There are certain information in your Personal Fundraising Page that you have the freedom to customize. These include:

● Your Picture
 ● Your Name
 ● Your Personal Fundraising Page URL
 ● Introductory Email
 ● Fundraising Goal
 ● End Date
 ● Fundraising Appeal

If you create Team Pages, you can also edit the aforementioned info associated with the Team Pages.

The look and feel of your pages (i.e color, fonts etc.) however, are preset by the Admin of the main CauseVox campaign. You can recommend the Admin about any changes you wish to see in the layout of these pages.

c. Why is my profile picture cutting off?

Your profile photo is cropped to a circle. To make sure your photo is aligned, please upload a square photo (with you in the center) under 3MBs with a minimum pixel dimension of 125px by 125px.

d. Where do the donations go to?

Any donations made to your Personal Fundraising Page are automatically included in any Team Pages you are participating in, and the main campaign site itself.

If you join multiple Teams, the funds you raise as part of any Team will be counted towards those respective Teams and the main campaign itself.
 You can access the list of donors to your Personal Fundraising and Team Pages by logging into your Personal Fundraising Page Account, and clicking on Donations.

e. How are personal pages different than teams?

Personal Fundraising Pages are personal pages that can be used to draw support for the campaign and is typically created and used by an individual.

A Team Fundraising Page is a profile page for a group of personal fundraising pages. They can be created by people that have Personal Fundraising Pages, or by the Admin of the main CauseVox campaign.

The link below can give you greater insights on the importance of Personal and Team Fundraising Pages in crowdfunding efforts:

f. How do I delete a Personal Fundraising Page?

Only the Admin of the main CauseVox campaign site can delete individual Personal Fundraising Pages.

g. How do I delete a Team Page?

Only the Admin of the main CauseVox campaign site can delete Team Fundraising Pages. However, if the Personal Fundraiser is given Team level access by the main Admin, they can use that privilege to edit/delete Team pages.

h. What is CauseVox?

CauseVox is an online fundraising and crowdfunding platform for nonprofits and social good. The campaign that you are a part of is using our software to create and manage their campaign.

For more information on how you can use CauseVox to launch your fundraising campaign, visit us at Feel free to leave us a message by clicking on the ‘Submit a Request’ button on our Support Center page.

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