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General Settings For Personal Fundraising Pages (Legacy)
General Settings For Personal Fundraising Pages (Legacy)

Best practices on customizing how personal pages work in peer to peer fundraising.

Rob Wu avatar
Written by Rob Wu
Updated over a week ago

If you have peer to peer fundraising enabled through personal and team pages on your campaign, you can set default content and customize how those pages work for your participants.

Access the General Settings by navigating to Campaign Settings >> Site >> Personal Pages >> General Settings.

Best Practices: General Settings

Enable Personal Pages

Turning on peer-to-peer fundraising allowing people to create their own personal fundraising pages. Turning this on will display a fundraising leaderboard on your fundraising website.

Above is an example of a personal page fundraising leaderboard.

Allow Signups

You have the option to disable new participants from creating personal pages. Disabling this would hide the join campaign buttons on your fundraising website.

Above is an example of a join campaign button enabled on a fundraising website.

Default Fundraiser Image

Here, you'll be able to upload a default personal page photo. The Default Fundraiser Image will automatically be set as the profile photo of the personal fundraising pages. Usually administrators will upload the logo for their organization or the campaign.

JPEG, GIF, or PNG. 5 MB max size. Recommended image size is at least 400 x 400 pixels.

Display Personal Page End Date
Enable this to let your fundraiser set their own end date instead of following your campaign’s end date.

  • Turn this on if you are running an ongoing campaign with no overall end date (ex. Birthday fundraising, DIY fundraising, etc).

  • Turn this off if you are running a campaign with a defined end date (virtual event, walkathon, etc)

Recommended Amount

Set a default goal that will auto-populate when a new fundraiser signs up. While they can still set their own goal, admins use this feature to give the fundraiser an idea of how much the organization would like to see supporters raise.

Invite Code

Set up an invite code to restrict who is able to create a personal fundraising page. Organizations use this feature when they already have a specific group of people in mind they want to set up pages, and distribute the invite code to them prior to setting up their page.

Best Practices: Custom Fields

Custom fundraiser fields allow you to collect additional info from your peer to peer fundraisers during their personal or team fundraising page setup. For more info, see this support article.

Best Practices: Default Fundraiser Appeal

Write out the text that you want to automatically appear on personal fundraising pages as a template. While participants can edit this, you'll want to enter in text that can work on their page even if they don't edit it. This is helpful so they have something to work off of.

Above is a personal fundraising pages's fundraiser appeal section.

Best Practices: Welcome Email

The Welcome Email is a feature that sends an automated email to the fundraiser when they register for a personal fundraising page on your fundraising website.

This email welcomes the fundraiser to their account and provides tips on using CauseVox. We allow you to customize this email and can be used for anything, including:

  • Establishing a point of contact if the fundraiser has questions

  • Linking fundraising toolkits and guides

  • Detailing event or campaign information

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