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How To Add An Offline Donation (Legacy)
Rob Wu avatar
Written by Rob Wu
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, your donors will opt to give your CauseVox campaign a check or cash donation. You can easily input that donation into your CauseVox campaign site so that the donation will be included in your campaign’s progress counter.

Note: Donation receipts are not automatically sent for offline donations, those should be sent manually through your your own receipting.

To add an offline donation, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Under Manage select Donations from the left navigation and select Add Offline Donation on the right.

Step 2: Use the dropdown lists to assign it to a campaign and/or a personal or team page, and add the donation value. You can also adjust the Created Date which will be used for ordering on the donor wall.

Step 3: Next, add the donor info, including First and Last Name, Display Name, Email and any Comments. You can also choose to make the donation anonymous here.

Note: The Display Name and Comments will be shown publicly on the donor wall.

Step 4: Save in the lower right.

Your donation should now be listed among all other online/offline donations.


  • In order to Save you will need to fill in all required fields.

  • Offline donations do not incur any transaction fees.

Remove An Offline Donation

Step 1: If you need to remove an offline donation, you can navigate back to

Manage >> Donations and search for the donation by email.

Step 2: Use Quick Actions (the three dots on the right) and select Delete Donation.

You can also select the donation and select Actions >> Delete Donation.

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