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Zapier Migration Guide (Legacy)

Learn how to migrate your old Zaps to CauseVox's new public Zapier integration.

Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over a week ago

We’ve released an updated public CauseVox Zapier integration which is incompatible with the old private version that your Zaps are connected to.

Your current Zaps will not be supported on April 1, 2022. In order to avoid disruption to your admin workflows, you will need to rebuild your Zaps and disable the old ones before April 1, 2022.

Here are some additional benefits of the new public Zapier version:

  • Use less Zaps to pipe and automate your data since CauseVox data is sent at an organization level vs campaign level (in your current version).

  • More workflow flexibility through Zapier filters to specify campaign(s) title, ID, or URL.

  • Use pre-created CauseVox-Zapier templates as a starting point.

  • Connect on your own any time.

To rebuild your Zaps and triggers, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Login to your Zapier account and navigate to your Zaps. Select Create Zap and create new Zaps for each of your existing Zaps and any new ones that you plan to create.

Step 2: Use the search to set CauseVox as your Trigger App.

Step 3: Select the Trigger Event.

CauseVox allows you to automatically push the following data (Trigger Events) on an organizational level:

  • Donations (online and offline donations)

  • Recurring profiles

  • Pledge Now, Pay Later Installments

  • Pledge Now, Pay Later Installment profiles

  • Ticket orders

  • Tickets

  • Team pages

  • Personal pages

With more on the way!

Step 4: Test your Trigger and Continue.

Step 5 (Optional): Use the plus sign (+) after the Trigger and select Filter to specify a campaign(s) title, ID, URL or any other filter options listed.

Step 6: Select your Action App and Action Event.

Step 7: Sign into your app and continue.

Step 8: Create your Action in Zapier by mapping the fields.

Step 9: Finish by testing and turning on your Zap.

Step 10: If you haven't already, turn off the old Zap in your dashboard. If you've created the new Zap, you can also use the caret, and select the trash icon to delete the old Zap.

Additional Notes

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