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How To Automatically Push CauseVox Data Into Mailchimp
How To Automatically Push CauseVox Data Into Mailchimp
Jenna Notarfrancesco avatar
Written by Jenna Notarfrancesco
Updated over a week ago

Through Zapier, you’re able to integrate CauseVox with 6000+ applications, including Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Google Sheets, Salesforce, Bloomerang, Kindful, QuickBooks and more!

You’re able to easily set up Zapier to push your donation data in your preferred application automatically, no coding or IT person needed.

You’re able to create triggers to pull CauseVox data into your application based on:

  • New Donation: Triggers when a new donation is created.

  • New Installment: Triggers when an installment is created.

  • New Pledge: Triggers when a new pledge is created.

  • New Personal Page: Triggers when a new personal page is created. This data may be incomplete as a fundraiser might not completely fill out their information on signup, so please use it in conjunction with the update trigger to receive full data.

  • New Recurring Profile: Triggers when a new recurring profile is created.

  • New Team Page: Triggers when a team page is created. This data may be incomplete as a team might not completely fill out their information on signup, so please use it in conjunction with the update trigger to receive full data.

  • New Ticket: Triggers when a new ticket is created.

  • New Ticket Order: Triggers when a new ticket order is created.

  • Update Donation: Triggers when a donation is updated. Please use it in conjunction with the create donation trigger to receive full data.

  • Update Personal Page: Triggers when a personal page is updated, aggregate information is updated (new donation that increases total, etc), or a team is joined/left. Please use it in conjunction with the new personal page trigger to receive full data.

  • Update Team Page: Triggers when a team page is update or aggregate information is updated (new donation that increases total, etc). Please use it in conjunction with the new team page trigger to receive full data.

Here’s a look at how you can integrate CauseVox with your Mailchimp account through Zapier:

This process may be easiest if you make a small donation to your campaign first, so you have donation data to test.

To connect to CauseVox on Zapier, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Login to your Zapier account or create a new account.

Step 2: Navigate to My Apps from the top left menu bar.

Step 3: Select Add Connection and search for CauseVox.

Step 4: Use your CauseVox API Key to connect your CauseVox account to Zapier. You will find a long code in the Integrations section of your Organization Settings.

Login to your CauseVox account and select Organization Settings >> Integrations >> API Key.

Copy the code and past it into Zapier and Continue.

Once you connect CauseVox in Zapier you can start connecting CauseVox to more than 4000+ apps by creating automated workflows.

Step 5: Use the left navigation to Create Zap, or select Zaps to access existing Zaps.

Step 6: Use the search to set CauseVox as your Trigger App.

Step 7: Select the Trigger Event.

You’re able to create triggers to pull CauseVox data into your application based on:

  • New Donation: Triggers when a new donation is created.

  • New Installment: Triggers when an installment is created.

  • New Pledge: Triggers when a new pledge is created.

  • New Personal Page: Triggers when a new personal page is created. This data may be incomplete as a fundraiser might not completely fill out their information on signup, so please use it in conjunction with the update trigger to receive full data.

  • New Recurring Profile: Triggers when a new recurring profile is created.

  • New Team Page: Triggers when a team page is created. This data may be incomplete as a team might not completely fill out their information on signup, so please use it in conjunction with the update trigger to receive full data.

  • New Ticket: Triggers when a new ticket is created.

  • New Ticket Order: Triggers when a new ticket order is created.

  • Update Donation: Triggers when a donation is updated. Please use it in conjunction with the create donation trigger to receive full data.

  • Update Personal Page: Triggers when a personal page is updated, aggregate information is updated (new donation that increases total, etc), or a team is joined/left. Please use it in conjunction with the new personal page trigger to receive full data.

  • Update Team Page: Triggers when a team page is update or aggregate information is updated (new donation that increases total, etc). Please use it in conjunction with the new team page trigger to receive full data.

With more on the way!

Step 8: Test your Trigger and Continue.

Step 9 (Optional): Use the plus sign (+) after the Trigger and select Filter to specify a campaign(s) title, ID, URL or any other filter options listed.

Step 10: Select your Action App. Then select your Action Event.

Step 11: Sign into your app and continue.

Step 12: Create your Action in Zapier by mapping the fields.

If you’re creating a new contact from a new donation, the following are the fields you’ll likely enter in for the respective sections:

List: {enter your preferred list}

Subscriber Email: {donor email}

Double opt in: yes

Update existing: yes

Replace groups: add only

Step 13: Finish by testing and turning on your Zap.

Now all future donor email addresses on your campaign will show up in the app list that you specified.

If you have any additional questions about setting up your Zapier integration, email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help!

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