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Managing Your Subscription Options (Legacy)
Managing Your Subscription Options (Legacy)

How to set up your checkbox that allows donors to subscribe to updates.

Candace Cody avatar
Written by Candace Cody
Updated over a year ago

Your donation form automatically has a checkbox that gives donors the option to receive updates from your organization.

You're able to manage this checkbox.

Here's how you can find the checkbox settings:

Step 1: Under Campaigns, select the Settings of the campaign you wish to edit.

Step 2: Under Sits & Forms, select your donation form.

Step 3: From the left navigation, select Custom Fields. Toggle on the option to show the Subscribe to Updates on the donation form.

If the donors check the box, they've indicated that they'd like to receive your communications.

Step 4 (Optional): You can also toggle on the setting below to automatically check off the subscribe box. The donor has to uncheck the box if they do not want to receive your communications.

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